Welcome to the Dustin Baldridge lab

Our lab studies the genetic basis of rare Mendelian disorders and develops high-throughput cell-based assays and functional genomics techniques to experimentally characterize the effects of clinically observed variants. We also use genome sequencing and informatics approaches to increase the usability of genetic data at the bedside and improve clinical care. 

Come learn with us…

Are you interested in joining our team?

Please contact Dustin with any questions.

Dustin Baldridge, MD, PhD

Principal Investigator

Dustin Baldridge, MD, PhD, is a board-certified pediatrician conducting full-time translational genomics research at Washington University in St. Louis, where he is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Genetics and Genomic Medicine. Baldridge is committed to helping children with underlying genetic disorders receive a molecular diagnosis.

He completed his combined MD/PhD training at Baylor College of Medicine, postgraduate training in Pediatrics at Washington University School of Medicine, and one year of service as a Chief Resident at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. As a successfully funded NHGRI K08 awardee focused in the areas of genomic medicine and functional genomics, he is leading a team that is solving a fundamental problem in human genetics, namely the overwhelming number of variants of uncertain significance (VUS) generated via exome and genome sequencing.

Baldridge also serves as a co-investigator for the Washington University Model Organism Screening Center (wuMOSC) of the Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN), where his responsibilities include assessing candidate gene variants from a human genetics perspective and assisting in the identification of the most appropriate model organism (worm, fly, or fish) in which to model the variant.


Jaeden’s send off lab outing

Jaeden’s send off lab outing

Today we officially said goodbye and thanks to Jaeden Flury, who has spent the last year in our lab. We made an outing to a nearby TopGolf facility. Jaeden has made valuable contributions to the progress of our lab. She will be back at Wash U, beginning in August, to begin her PhD work. After doing […]
2024 WashU Department of Pediatrics Retreat

2024 WashU Department of Pediatrics Retreat

Dustin and Emily attended this year’s Pediatrics Department Research Retreat along with 300 other pediatrics researchers and staff. Emily presented her poster titled “Development of transcription factor reporter assays to functionally test disease-associated variants via high throughput deep mutational scanning (DMS).”  DMS is increasingly becoming an area of interest in the translational sciences, including being […]

With generous support from:

National Human Genome Research Institute

Undiagnosed Diseases Network

Children’s Discovery Institute

Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center